Fraternal Order of Police Deliver Hundreds of Toys for FOCLA Giving Hearts Celebration

The City of Barboursville, WV, donated a van so “Santa’s helpers” could travel to the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 5, in Philadelphia, PA to pick up hundreds of toys and deliver them to the Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary in Mabscott, WV.

Santa’s helper #1, Mr. Steve Walker, National FOP State Trustee, Past President of the WV FOP and Chief Deputy for Kanawha City Sheriff’s Department along with Santa’s Helper #2 Mr. Daren McNeil, WV FOP President and Chief of Police of Barboursville, WV volunteered to drive from Barboursville to Philadelphia and back to Mabscott all in a single day to deliver these wonderful gifts just in time to support the children of families in need at Christmas through the Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary (FOCLA) Giving Hearts Program.   

Mr. Dave Gentry, WV FOP State Executive Board Member and FOCLA Supporter shared information about the FOCLA Giving Hearts program to his fellow FOP partners for donation consideration.  The Giving Hearts Program provides food, clothing, and toys to over 500 families in need in our community.

The van was so full of toys that the FOCLA had to request additional support from six amazing young men to help unload the van.  They were Jackson Moore (FOCLA Friend and Volunteer) and members of the WVU Institute of Technology Baseball Team, Broedy Boyce, Noah Lukas, Hunter Fansler, Cody Cooper, and Robert Kelley.

The FOCLA is extremely grateful for the support from our WV and PA Fraternal Order of Police partners.  Their generous contribution will ensure a very Merry Christmas for hundreds of children in our community.

Contributions are still being accepted to support this important program.  You can contact Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary, PO Box 1109, Beckley, WV 25802 or visit our website   We thank you for your support!